Republican Club of Comal County – Bylaws

The objectives of this organization shall be:
A. To promote an informed public through political education and activity
B. To increase the effectiveness of members in the cause of good government through active political participation in city, county, state and federal government.
C. To facilitate cooperation among the members of the Republican Party and to promote its principles.
D. To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its ideals
E. To work for the election of nominees of the Republican Party
F. To support the objectives and policies of the Republican National, State and County Executive Committees


A. This organization and/or its President shall not publicly endorse any individual candidate for public office in a contested Republic Primary, Primary runoff or Special Election.
B. Individual members of this organization may work for any candidate of their choice in contested Republican primaries, but may not use the name of this organization or their titles within this organization to endorse candidates.
C. Statements issued and resolutions passed in the name of this organization must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a general meeting of the organization.
D. When club members wish to speak at a monthly club meeting where guest speakers have been arranged, they will be limited to 5 minutes upon approval from the presiding officer.
E. A political candidate may be invited to speak at a monthly club meeting after the last day of filing for election or re-election. After the last day of filing for their intended position, all candidates including the incumbent can be invited to speak at our monthly meetings. This will give all candidates an opportunity to present their platform.


A. Adult members: Any person eighteen (18) years of age or older believing in the principles of the Republican Party is eligible for membership.
B. Junior members: Any person age ten (10) through seventeen (17) believing in the principles of the Republican Party is eligible for junior membership.
C. Family members: Adults and their dependent children under age eighteen (18)


A. Family Membership: family membership shall be thirty-five dollars ($35)
B. Single Adult Membership: Single Adult Membership shall be twenty-five dollars ($25)
C. Single Junior Membership: Junior members, who are not included in family memberships. shall be ten dollars ($10)
D. Membership renewal period for the next calendar year: Begins 1 October of each year.
E. Membership Drive: The club will hold a membership drive each year in October. New Members can join any time. If they join in October through December, their membership will be valid in the year they join and will extend through the following calendar year.
F. The Fiscal Year: Of this organization shall be from January 1 through December 31.


A. Eligibility:
A. Must be an adult member in good standing, believe in the principles of the Republican Party and have attended a minimum of two (2) meetings of the club prior to being elected.
B. Must be a registered voter who has voted in at least one Republican Primary Election in the last four (4) years.
C. Only one (1) spouse of a married couple can serve as an elected officer, unless special exception is granted by a majority vote at a general meeting.
B. Elected Officers: The elected officers shall be:
A. President
B. Vice-President
C. Treasurer
D. Secretary
C. Duties of Officers:
a. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of this organization and the Board of Directors. He/she shall have general supervision of the activities of the organization. He/he shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. He/she shall appoint committee chairmen as needed.

b. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall perform duties assigned by the President and perform the duties of the President in his/her absence, He/She shall also:
1. Plan interesting and informative Programs for the monthly meetings.
2. Review/Discuss potential Guest Speakers at Board Meetings.
3. Contact Guest Speakers for scheduling upon approval.

c. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and be custodian of all funds of the organization and shall pay bills as authorized by the President or vote of the Board of Directors or club members.
He/she shall maintain financial records and submit financial reports at monthly meetings and to the Texas Ethics Commission as required by statute and/or regulation. (deleted)

d. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a factual and unbiased record of the proceedings of all meetings and handle such correspondence as designated by the President.

D. Term of Office: The term of office is for one (1) year for all officers and committee chairs, with the exception of the Treasurer. No officer or committee chairman shall serve for more than two (2) full consecutive terms in the same position. The term of office shall be from January 1 through December 31 of the calendar year. Each person elected to an office shall however, serve until a successor has been elected, appointed, qualified and properly installed
E. Vacancies: Should an officer become a candidate for public office, his/her office will automatically be vacated upon his/her filing for election. All vacancies except that of the President, shall be filled by the Board of Directors, subject to approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership in attendance at the next regular meeting.


A. Standing Committees: Standing Committees shall be Membership, Program, Telephone, Publicity, Finance, Campaign Activities, Hospitality, Fundraising, Newsletter, Legislative Issues and Junior Member Director. These committees shall be appointed by the President. Committee chairs shall be members in good standing and registered voters who have voted in at least one Republican Primary in the last four (4) years, with the exception of the Junior Member.
B. Other Appointments: The President shall appoint a Chaplain, Parliamentarian and a Sergeant-at-Arms as necessary.


A. Members: The Board of Directors shall consist of elected officers, chairperson of standing committees and the immediate past President, who shall serve in an ex-officio capacity.

B. Duties of the Board of Directors:
1. This Board shall have the authority to transact any necessary business between meetings, make recommendations as to policies of the organization, fill vacancies and approve activities undertaken in the name of the organization.
2. Any elected or appointed officer who is delinquent in the performance of his/her duties for a period of three (3) months may be relieved of his/her office by the Board of Directors.
3. It shall be necessary for two (2) signatures of any two (2) of the four (4) officers to co-sign checks of the organization in amounts over $300.00
4. The Board of Directors shall select a depository bank for deposits of the funds of the club.
C. Quorum: A quorum for a meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of at least fifty percent (50%) of the four (4) elected officers and at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the appointed Standing Committee Chairs.
D. Absences from Board Meetings: More than three (3) unexplained absences is cause for removal from the Board of Directors.


A. Regular Meetings: The regular meeting of the organization shall meet the fourth Tuesday of each month with the time being designated by the President from January through November unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors or a majority vote of the organization at a previous meeting. There will be no regular meeting during the month of December. A quorum for the meeting shall be at least fifteen percent (15%) of the voting members of the organization. If a quorum is not present, the meeting can be held, but no official business can be conducted.


A. Nominations: A nominating Committee of three (3) members shall be elected at the September meeting. The committee will elect its own chairman. The committee shall submit one (1) nominee for each office. No one shall be nominated who does not give consent to serve if elected. This committee will give its report at the regular meeting in October. Nominations may be made from the floor for each office when the election is held in November providing, they meet all the necessary requirements.
B. Election of Officers: The election of officers shall be held at the Annual Meeting in November. Ballots shall be used if there is more than one nomination for a certain office. If there is only one nominee, there shall be a voice vote. A plurality vote shall elect.
C. Installation of officers: The officers elected at the November meeting will be immediately installed. The term of office shall be from January 1 to December 31.


Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this organization in points not covered by these Bylaws.


These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members present and voting at any regular or special meeting, provided notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given in writing one (1) week prior to the vote.